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Verified therapist
Psychotherapist, Social Worker, Couple Therapist
- Avalaible Online
I provide support to individuals, couples, and families and have advanced training in perinatal mental health. I am also a Certified EMDR therapist. My goal is to help you feel supported, make sense of and manage any confusing or disturbing thoughts and feelings, support you to strengthen your existing relationships and build your support network and your confidence.
O Shea

Verified therapist
- Avalaible In Person, Online
I am a UKCP psychoanalytic psychotherapist and a member of the CPJA

Verified therapist
- Avalaible In Person
Hello, my name is Monika, I am a qualified integrative psychotherapist accredited by UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).
I tailor my approach to individual clients’ needs according to their unique life experiences and preferences, to help them develop a greater sense of awareness, self-compassion, and resilience.
I aim to create a sense, confidential, and non-judgemental space where clients can explore their emotions, thoughts, and experiences thought creative and expressive techniques.
I am trained to work with children of all ages, adolescents, and adults.
I also provide reflective parenting sessions with aim to promote family relationships and reduce parent-child conflicts.
Areas I’ve worked with include anxiety, low mood, depression, relationship issues, substance misuse, bullying, anger, grief, life changes, gender&sexuality, family issues, complex trauma, abuse, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, loneliness, self-esteem issues, eating disorders.

Verified therapist
Psychotherapist, Counseling Psychologist, Couple Therapist
- Avalaible In Person, Online
I have been a therapist for the past 16 years, and during that time I have met thousands of individuals, heard many stories, and learnt a great deal from them.
I can help you in a variety of areas, including:
El Bejjani

Verified therapist
Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Clinical Psychologist, Counseling Psychologist, Educational Psychologist, Health Psychologist, Developmental Psychologist, Community Psychologist, Child Psychologist, Rehabilitation Psychologist, Marriage and Family Therapist, Addiction Specialist, Mental Health Counselor, Behavioral Analyst, Crisis Counselor, Couple Therapist
- Avalaible In Person, Online
• Clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst & integrative psychotherapist, with more than 10 years of experience in Mental Health.
• Eclectic approach, inspired by psychoanalysis in a humanist and existential core, carried out through behavioral and cognitive motivation, revolving around the release of repressed memories from childhood and the revealing discourse of the unconscious, through speech, insights, and free associations…
• Skilled in diagnostic evaluation of psychopathology ; intervention in necrosis as well as in the screening of psychotic disorders.
• Proficiency in the treatment of psychosomatic diseases.
• Gender-Based Violence specialist and LGBTQIA+ friendly.
• Child protection consultant, involved with youth suffering from emotional and mental deficiency, and kids with special needs.
• Expertise in parental coaching, couple and family systemic therapy.
Hsu (徐悅晴博士)

Verified therapist
Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Counseling Psychologist
- Avalaible Online
Welcome and Hi! I am Dr. Yueh-Ching Hsu, a bilingual psychologist (中文和英文) specializing in the treatment of anxiety and depression.
Giovanni Felice

Verified therapist
Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Counseling Psychologist, Couple Therapist
- Avalaible In Person, Online
I trained in Italy as a Clinical Psychologist and then moved to the UK to become. Psychotherapist. I worked with Autism, Learning Disabilities, Eating Disorders, and Psychosis since the very early days of my practice.

Verified therapist
Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Clinical Psychologist, Developmental Psychologist, Child Psychologist, Couple Therapist
- Avalaible In Person, Online
Sono una psicologa psicoterapeuta a indirizzo cognitivo e psicodinamico. Mi occupo da oltre venticinque anni di terapia dei disturbi dell’infanzia. dell’adolescenza e delle problematiche di coppia. Sono professore a contratto di Psicologia dello Sviluppo Infantile presso l’Università degli Studi della TUSCIA, nella città di Viterbo. Ho fondato nel 2015 l’associazione di promozione sociale PARVA Casa delle donne, per la prevenzione e il contrasto della violenza di genere, ricoprendo attualmente la carica di presidente. Sono formatrice Mindfulness, pratica che coltivo personalmente e che insegno nei corsi di formazione e aggiornamento riservati ai docenti di ogni ordine e grado, per la prevenzione dello stress lavoro-correlato. Nel tempo libero vado in bicicletta, ascolto musica e canto (sono stata una cantante lirica professionista), discipline, queste ultime, che entrano a pieno titolo in un alcune metodologie di intervento e nel trattamento di alcuni disturbi specifici.

Verified therapist
Psychotherapist, Counseling Psychologist, Marriage and Family Therapist, Crisis Counselor, Couple Therapist
- Avalaible In Person, Online
I have been practising for many years and am fully qualified in both Counselling and Hypnotherapy. My qualifications are BA(Hons), NCPS,
NHS. I am told that I’m easy to talk to and enjoy helping clients with various issues from depression and anxiety, relationship issues to fear, phobias and addictions.